2025 SMOC Spring ILRA East - March 29, 2025


2025 SMOC Spring ILRA East
Point to point classic orienteering. Register by Thursday night! Please be sure to have a recreation passport or else self register. Registrar notes are not usually read until regular registration closes; for more urgent response, please contact us directly. +1s / team members don't need to sign up here, but rather should complete the online waiver here: https://smoc-runs.com/pages/219

Van Cortlandt Park 2025 - March 30, 2025 (Sunday)


Van Cortlandt Park 2025
This event is located in Bronx, NY. For more details and tips for first-timers, please reference our event webpage: https://www.hvorienteering.com/van-cortlandt-park-2025

MNOC Lebanon Hills - Sunday, March 30, 2025


MNOC Lebanon Hills
Regular orienteering meet with White through Red courses. For more information about the course colors, see our Event Types page.


Cedar Niles Park Orienteering 2025
Enjoy an Orienteering event at Cedar Niles park Olathe, KS. Event details are listed in the document (click on the event title above and to the left).

Papago Park Beginner's Clinic 2025-04-05 - Saturday, 05 April 2025


Papago Park Beginner's Clinic 2025-04-05
Clinic teaching orienteering basics. During a 1.5 hour clinic, we'll focus on map reading and determining bearing and distance from point A to point B. ($5 per participant, limit 10 participants)
Note1: This event does not require you to become a member of Orienteering USA.
Note2: Pre-registration/pre-payment is required, so we know how many training packages to prepare.


Colliers Mills Wildlife Management Area
Registration will close at the end of the day (11:59pm) on Thursday April 3rd.

$7 for White Course (On-trail beginners)
Other courses: $10 for orienteering club members, juniors, and $15 for everyone else
Day of or late registration (only if extra maps are available; we'll be printing only a couple extras for each course, so check with the registrar to see if there are any): $20 for most courses (Y/O/Br/G/R/B); $10 for White

10:00am-1:00pm starts. Control pickup will begin at 3pm

If you are going out as a group (staying together and only using one timing chip), only one person needs to register and you only pay one fee. While registering you will record the names of your teammates. The cost is $2 per additional person (kids under 10 are free) and everybody gets their own map.

Group Registrations If you are bringing a large group (e.g. JROTC units, scouts) and need any help with registration or would like to arrange for instruction for your group, reach out to the registrar. The earlier you contact us and/or register the better - thanks!


Flying Pig XXVII <i>in</i> South Central Indiana
OCIN's 27th annual Flying Pig will take place in the hills east of Bloomington, IN, and in downtown Indianapolis.
All 3 races will be National Ranking Events (NREs).

Friday's Middle distance race will be held at Ransburg Scout Reservation, which is SE of Bloomington.

Saturday's Long distance race will be held on an updated and expanded Story West map, south of Nashville, Indiana.

Sunday's race will also be Middle distance, but in an urban environment, ie "sprint terrain" on an updated map of White River State Park, in downtown Indianapolis.

If after registering, you want to make changes, please do not re-register! Instead, please e-mail the Registrar.

Ash Creek Score-O - Apr 6, 2025


Ash Creek Score-O
Explore the hilly 4.3 square-km Ash Creek community surrounding the Smith School Sports Fields event center in SW Portland. Two courses allow 1 or 2 hours to find as many controls as possible in any order. The MapRun® phone app will be used to take credit for each control found (there will be no Q&A sheets).


Sonoran Desert Navigation Games 2025
Run/Bike/Paddle in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. (See ArizonaNavigationCompetition.com for details.)

General Location: Within 3 hours west of downtown Phoenix.
Exact Location: Cattail Cove State Park, nine miles south of Lake Havasu City.

6/12-Hour Adventure Race (run/bike/paddle)
3/6/12-Hour Rogaine (foot only)
Teams of 1-4. (Solos allowed in all events.)

Note: You are not required to become a member of Orienteering USA to participate in this event.

45th Annual West Point NRE - April 12-13, 2025


45th Annual West Point NRE

The US Military Academy Orienteering Team is excited to welcome you back to West Point for the 45th Annual National Ranking Event! The races will consist of a middle course and relay on Saturday April 12th and a middle race on Sunday April 13th. We look forward to seeing you in April!

If you plan on competing in the relay, please see a current list of registered orienteers and their respective teams in the link HERE

Go Army, Beat Navy!

Stoney Run County Park 2025 - Saturday, April 12, 2025


Stoney Run County Park 2025
Choose the "Enter Data Manually" option below to register for our event. Online registration will close at Midnight on Thursday April 10th. On the day of event, you can start any time between 10am and Noon. Course pickup will begin by 2pm. Stoney Run is in Central Time Zone. If you are going out as a group, only one person needs to register and you only pay one fee. While registering you will enter your team name, number of participants, team member names and have an opportunity to buy extra maps for them at only $3 each! This event uses an epunch timing technology. We loan epunch chips at no additional cost to participants who don't have their own. On the following page, select Yes under epunch rental if you will be using one of our chips. If you have your own, you can select No and enter your epunch chip number. Information about the event can be found on our website at https://chicago-orienteering.org/events/2025/stoney_run_20250412.php

Blue Mound State Park - April 13, 2025


Blue Mound State Park
This will be the First Badger Orienteering Club event of the spring season.

Four courses will be offered:
Beginner (1-3km)
Intermediate (3-5km)
Advanced Short (3-5km)
Advanced Long (5-7km)

A group of 4 or less staying together and using one fingerstick (timing device) is considered one entry - only one person needs to register and pays one fee.

See www.badgerorienteering.com for more information about this event.
Badger Club members use code BGRMEMBER during check-out for a $5 discount.
For safety reasons all participants must carry a whistle on course, so look for the $2 whistle purchase while registering. They will also be for sale at the event.
Please note, you do not need a PayPal account to make payment. Clicking on the PayPal button at the end will allow you to pay by credit/debit card.

ICO Conquer the Crossroads Rogaine Apr. 19, 2025 - April 19, 2025


2024 Conquer the Crossroads at Owen-Putnam State Forest on Sat. Apr. 19, 2025 with 6- and 12-hr races. The 2025 Conquer the Crossroads Rogaine course is EMBARGOED effective January 25, 2025. This means all of Owen-Putnam State Forest are OFF LIMITS to all eventual competitors whether they are currently registered or not! This includes all roads and trails running through the forest. The embargo will be in effect through Saturday, April 19, 2025.

MNOC French Park Skills Clinic - April 19, 2025


MNOC French Park Skills Clinic
Sponsored by Minnesota Orienteering Club and Three Rivers Park District, this clinic is a great opportunity to brush up on your orienteering skills and to invite friends and family to experience a new outdoor sport. Learn map and compass skills from Minnesota Orienteering Club (MNOC) experts. Families and people of all abilities learn through classroom instruction, skill stations geared for beginners, guided practice courses, and an official ‘sprint’ course with electronic punches.

Newton Hills SP Orienteering - FREE - 19Apr25


Please join us for a fun, bare-bones orienteering experience at the beautiful (and hilly) Newton Hills State Park! Please share this link with your friends, church, school, family, heck, even your co-workers! :-)

This is designed as fun, introductory learning event; there will be no scoring, no timing, etc. You are encouraged to walk, rather than run, your course (as long as you return safely by the course closure time).

Wait, what is orienteering?? Orienteering is a sport in which participants use a map and a compass (optional, at this event) to find their way through a sequence of controls located near or on mapped features. Click here to find out more.

This will be a learn-by-doing activity. Limited instruction will be available upon request. Each course should take between 45 and 90mins at a walking pace.

FYI: the map has been prepared at a "practice/training," level of quality. Contours, trails, and navigationally- useful features along likely route choices will be highly reliable. Vegetation anywhere and details outside likely route choices will be only sketched-in and should not be relied upon for navigation.

Online registration is required.

Every individual (each child, team member, etc.) must have their own separate registration including a properly signed waiver.

You're welcome to participate in families/teams. Each individual must have their own separate waiver and registration.

Sign up for any/all of the courses you'd like to try:
The beginner course will be very easy, pretty much like a hike with some extra fun thrown in.
The intermediate course will offer additional challenge, but you'll be ready for it after doing the beginner course.
The advanced courses will be difficult - you'll have to be able to read and interpret contours to find your way to the the controls.

Don't be concerned about the word "race" in the registration process. That is just the standard term that the registration site uses. You're welcome to run if you want to, but this is not structured as a competitive event.

You can do whatever you want (within the limits of our permit, park rules, the law, and good manners) to build your skills and have fun. Skip a control if you want to. Do the course in reverse. At this event, it's all OK.

You're welcome to use a compass if you have one. Basic loaner compasses may be provided. NOTE: orienteering is really about the map - it's not about the compass. Compass instruction will not be provided (hint: keep the North direction on the map aligned with the North arrow on the compass at all times).

- You must have a valid SD State Parks license (day, annual, etc.) to enter the park. This is not included with registration - you must obtain it on your own. Stop by the main entrance to the park to obtain your license.
- We will share the park and trails with others, including many horse riders. Horses always have the right of way. Be prepared to yield and to keep your distance from horses. Their safety, and ours, is more important than our choice of routes.

Start anytime between 9am (starts open) and noon (starts close). You must be off your final course and "downloaded" (reported back to the Meet Director) no later than 2pm.

Rain or shine. In the event of extreme weather, the event may be canceled at the Registrar's discretion. Check your email/spam folders for any announcements.

BYO water, snacks. We'll have use of the park's restrooms.

PARKING/ACCESS: Use the north, "Horse Camp" parking area, about 5.5mi S of Canton, 1.2mi N of the main park entrance. There is a small sign.

HQ: With luck, we'll have use of the small pavillion just N of the parking lot. Otherwise, look for a dark red Nissan Xterra.

I hope you'll be able to attend!

Please contact me with any questions or concerns. You may use the "contact event registrar" link below or email me directly at: conavgames a.t gmail dot com

Thank you!

Galen Registrar, Meet Director, Mapper, etc.

Buffalo Sprint Doubleheader - April 26, 2025


Buffalo Sprint Doubleheader
Welcome to Buffalo's Cultural District for a sprint on the Buffalo State University campus followed by a sprint in Delaware Park. Both events feature a spectacular finish arena on the Great Lawn of the world renowned Buffalo AKG Art Museum. You may enter one or both events, enjoy a picnic lunch, and then visit the AKG, the Burchfield Penney Art Center, or the Buffalo History Museum. For more orienteering, the Rochester Orienteering Club is holding an NRE Ultra-Long the following day in Mendon Ponds Park.

MNOC Beaver Creek - Saturday, April 26, 2025


MNOC Beaver Creek
Regular orienteering meet with White through Red courses. For more information about the course colors, see our Event Types page.

Mendon Ponds Ultra-Long NRE - April 27, 2025


Mendon Ponds Ultra-Long NRE
Ultra-Long courses 50% longer than normal.

Greenbush - Kettle Moraine Northern Unit - Apr 27, 2024


Greenbush - Kettle Moraine Northern Unit
The second Badger Orienteering Club event of the spring season will be in the Greenbush area of the the Northern Kettle Morain

The event will start at the shelter, Green Bush Recreation Area.

Four courses will be offered:
Short (2-3km) Beginner skill level,
Medium (3-5km) Intermediate skill level,
Short Advanced (3-5km) Advanced skill level,
Long Advanced (5-7km) Advanced skill level.

A group of 4 or less staying together and using one fingerstick (timing device) is considered one entry - only one person needs to register and pays one fee.

See www.badgerorienteering.com for more information about this event.

Badger Club members use code BGRMEMBER during check-out for a $5 discount.

For safety reasons all participants must carry a whistle on course, so look for the $2 whistle purchase while registering. They will also be for sale at the event.

Please note, you do not need a PayPal account to make payment. Clicking on the PayPal button at the end will allow you to pay by credit/debit card.


2025 NAV-X #2 GPS Map Trek-Auburn SRA-3 or 6 hr
Nav-X Challenge's 2nd event in 2025 brings you to a classic destination in the beautiful foothills of the Sierra Nevada - the Auburn SRA, and more specifically the area around Olmstead Loop in Cool. We will be using a Nav-X style map using recent Lidar data. This event will feature interesting 3- or 6-hour courses. This event will use the app MapRun for timing on your own schedule. Upon registration, you will receive (1) registration confirmation, (2) within 24 hours, a separate email with links to map documents. We also have some new options for getting a pre-printed map.

Paddle/Foot-O - May 3, 2025


Please join us on May 3rd at Long Hunter State Park for a Paddle-O/Foot-O!

Entry fees:
Early bird entries (prior to 10pm on 31 December, 2024): $30
Regular entries (1 January, 2025 to 20 April, 2025): $40
Late entries (after 20 April, 2025): $45

E-punch rental: $3

Courses offered:
3hr Foot-O - finish time of 1pm
3hr Paddle-O - finish time of 1pm
6hr Foot-O - finish time of 2pm
6hr Paddle-O - finish time of 2pm
*Mass start at 10am for 3hr races.
*Mass start at 8am for 6hr races.

If you are coming as a group* please let us know.
*(JROTC/ROTC/Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts/Church/School)

Event will only be canceled for severe weather conditions; otherwise, no refunds will be issued.

***see club website for more details including a detailed schedule and mandatory equipment***

Beaverton Metrogaine - May 4, 2025


Beaverton Metrogaine
Take the Beaverton Metrogaine challenge to find as many control sites as possible in a 27-square-kilometer area filled with steep hills, irregular streets, secluded walkways, and woodland paths. Choose an 8-, 4-, or 2-hour course. Teams are required for the 8 hour quest and optional for the 4 and 2 hour quest.

MNOC Afton State Park - Sunday, May 4, 2025


MNOC Afton State Park
Regular orienteering meet with White through Red courses. For more information about the course colors, see our Event Types page.

Wild Terrain Navigation Wild Terrain Navigation

Baird Creek Bumble Spring 2025 Classic Foot and/or Bike
You do not need to have an Orienteering USA membership to register for individual club events. You can choose the "Enter Data Manually" option below and register for our event.

Early Registration: closes Midnight on Monday, March 31st. Foot or Bike $12 Combo $20 for ages 13 or older and adults.

Regular Registration: closes Midnight on Wednesday, April 28th. Foot or Bike $15 Combo $25 for ages 13 or older and adults.

Online registration: closes at Midnight on Thursday, May 8th.

Event Date: Saturday, May 10th. 10:00am - 2:00pm, Late / Day of Registration: $20 Foot or Bike $30 Combo for ages 13 or older and adults, Free for youth under 13 years (accompanied by adult registration). We cannot ensure we will have maps if you register on the day of.

Groups: One map will be provided for each paid registration. If you are going out as a group (staying together and only using one punch), only one person needs to register and you only pay one fee. While registering you will record the names of your teammates and have an opportunity to buy additional maps for them at only $3 each.
Please ensure that a separate registration (waiver and payment) has been completed for every single person in your group, regardless of age, relationship, etc. Re-use/sharing of the map and/or walking any part of a course by unregistered persons is not permitted.

Groups with Children: Children 12 and younger accompanied by their fully registered parent/legal guardian are FREE (children 12 and under not accompanied by their fully registered parent/legal guardian will charged the full adult rate)! All minors must have a waiver properly signed by their own Parent or Legal Guardian. Your children's friends are most welcome, but do not bring them if they do not have a waiver properly signed by their own Parent or Legal Guardian.

Large Group Registrations: reach out to the registrar at register@WildTerrainNav.com.

The earlier you contact us and/or register the better - Thanks!
Location: McAuliffe Park at Baird Creek Park, 3100 Sitka St, 54311


45th Annual Billygoat WEEKEND - Sat May 10 Middle AND Sun May 11 Billygoat
Join us for the 45th Annual Billygoat and FULL WEEKEND (yes, both Saturday & Sunday) of events... all held at Merli-Sarnoski Park, site of the 2024 US Orienteering Nationals!

This includes the Sunday Billygoat and Kid runs plus middle distance courses Saturday afternoon.

*** Visit this link for our dedicated web page for the full details of the events, including course setter notes: 2025 BILLYGOAT RUN website

NOTE: This registration is for those signing up for the BILLYGOAT or KID. As part of this registration you will also be able to sign up for the SATURDAY (day before the Billygoat) regular courses if you plan to attend both days.
  • If you are doing the Sunday May 11 BABY GOAT, INFANT GOAT, or SCORE-O, please see EventReg link here: Sunday May 11, 2025 Shorter Courses (Baby Goat, Infant Goat, Score-O) ONLY EventReg
  • If you are doing the Saturday May 10 REGULAR COURSES ONLY, or want to sign up for a Beginner or Group Saturday course, see the link here: Saturday May 10, 2025 Merli-Sarnoski Park Regular Courses ONLY EventReg

  • *** EARLY registration will end at the end of the day (11:59pm) on Monday April 21, 2025 - be sure to register by this early registration date to ensure a map and, more importantly, your chance at the coveted Billygoat t-shirt if attempting the Billygoat.

    * LATE/FINAL registration will close at the end of the day (11:59pm) on Thursday May 08, 2025.

    Saturday May 10, 2025:
    Middle distance courses: Orange through Red.

    These courses will mostly use an interesting corner of the map that will not be covered in the Billygoat courses, and was only visited by the Elite courses during nationals last year.

    Starts 2PM-4PM.

    Sunday May 11, 2025:
    The 45th Annual Billygoat run - a mass-start event with a long tradition of fun!

    Also included: A slightly shorter run, "The Kid".

    Mass start for the Billygoat and Kid will be at 11AM.


    DVOA Merli-Sarnoski Park - Saturday May 10, 2025
    Did you miss out on the 2024 US Orienteering Nationals? Or did you go, and want to experience Pennsylvania orienteering terrain again at its finest?

    Then join us at Merli-Sarnoski Park for an afternoon of orienteering - site of the 2024 OUSA National Championships!

    *** Want course setter notes? Looking for the Billygoat & other goat runs for the weekend? Visit this link for our dedicated web page for the full details of the weekend events, including course setter notes (includes course setter notes for the Saturday regular courses you are currently registering for): 2025 BILLYGOAT RUN website

    Middle distance courses, orange through red. New permanent course available for beginners!

    These courses will mostly use an interesting corner of the map that will not be covered in the Billygoat courses, and was only visited by the Elite courses during nationals last year!

    Starts 2PM-4PM.

    Registration will close at the end of the day (11:59pm) on Thursday May 08, 2025.

    $2 for White/Beginner Permanent Course Map (On-trail beginners)
    Other courses: $10 for orienteering club members, juniors, and $15 for everyone else
    Day of or late registration: $20 for most courses (O/Br/G/R); $2 for White/Beginner Permanent Course Map (if we have maps left).

    10:00am-1:00pm starts. Control pickup will begin at 6:00PM.

    If you are going out as a group (staying together and only using one timing chip), only one person needs to register and you only pay one fee. While registering you will record the names of your teammates. The cost is $2 per additional person (kids under 10 are free) and everybody gets their own map.

    Group Registrations
    If you are bringing a large group (e.g. JROTC units, scouts) and need any help with registration or would like to arrange for instruction for your group, reach out to the registrar at kyle.sulliva.n@gmail.com. The earlier you contact us and/or register the better - thanks!


    DVOA Baby Goat, Infant Goat, Score-O - Sunday May 11, 2025 shorter courses
    Join us for the 45th Annual Billygoat event... held at Merli-Sarnoski Park, site of the 2024 US Orienteering Nationals!

    *** Visit this link for our dedicated web page for the full details of the events, including course setter notes: 2025 BILLYGOAT RUN website

    NOTE: This registration is for those signing up for ONLY doing the Sunday May 11, 2025 Baby Goat, Infant Goat, or Score-O - if you are looking for the BILLYGOAT registration, please see EventReg link for SUNDAY May 11, 2025 BILLYGOAT: 2025 Billygoat EventReg

    *** Registration will close at the end of the day (11:59pm) on Thursday May 08, 2025.

    $15 for adults
    $10 for juniors
    Day of or late registration: $20

    Starts from 11:15-1:00. Control pickup will begin at 4:00PM.

    If you are going out as a group (staying together and only using one timing chip), only one person needs to register and you only pay one fee. While registering you will record the names of your teammates. The cost is $2 per additional person (kids under 10 are free) and everybody gets their own map.

    Group Registrations:
    If you are bringing a large group (e.g. JROTC units, scouts) and need any help with registration or would like to arrange for instruction for your group, reach out to the registrar at kyle.sulliva.n@gmail.com. The earlier you contact us and/or register the better - thanks!

    MNOC Lake Maria - Sunday, May 18, 2025


    MNOC Lake Maria
    Regular orienteering meet with White through Red courses. For more information about the course colors, see our Event Types page.

    MNOC Tamarack Adventure Run - Thursday, June 5, 2025


    MNOC Tamarack Adventure Run
    Adventure Run courses are an intermediate navigational challenge, often with a fun/unique challenge during the event

    MNOC Lake Elmo Adventure Run - Thursday, June 12, 2025


    MNOC Lake Elmo Adventure Run
    Adventure Run courses are an intermediate navigational challenge, often with a fun/unique challenge during the event


    Radio Orienteering USA Championships 2025
    Announcing the 2025 Radio Orienteering USA Championships. The Backwoods Orienteering Klub extends a warm invite to attend the 2025 American Radio Relay League (ARRL) USA Radio Orienteering Championships to be held near Asheboro and Albemarle in North Carolina The practice days will be held at Gray Owl and the Birkhead Wilderness June 14-17, 2025. The Model Event and Competition days will be at Morrow Mountain State Park June 18-22, 2025. The Current bulletin and all of the announcements are at http://radio-o.us

    Alaska Orienteering Festival - 2025 - June 25 to July 2, 2025


    Alaska Orienteering Festival - 2025
    Join the Arctic Orienteering Club for four days of spectacular Alaska orienteering and experience the long summer days in a land of rugged beauty! Check the festival website for maps and photos. -- The first event is on Wednesday evening (June 25, 2025) in Anchorage. It's a forest sprint through a natural orienteering playground of convoluted topography created by the 1964 earthquake. Short and long course versions of this butterfly-style race will be run on multiple loops intersecting at a central control point. Think great spectating and exciting competitor interaction! -- The Saturday (June 28, 2025) event at Willow features open forest visibility, unique pockets of labyrinthine meadow and thicket navigation, and very interesting terrain with few linear features. This venue is sure to challenge your orienteering skills and we are pursuing OUSA (NRE) sanctioning for this event. -- The Sunday (June 29, 2025) event will be a long/extra long classic in a spectacular alpine venue. Use your medium to advanced navigation skills as you traverse the delightful lowland tundra and ascend into hanging valleys with incredible wilderness views. This is what Alaska orienteering is all about! -- Depending on the weather, some of the locals may be camping near the alpine venue. If you would like more information, please email the registrar or ask the staff at the Willow event. -- The final event will be on the following Wednesday evening (July 2, 2025) at Mirror Lake. This classic forest event with White to Red courses features mostly open birch and spruce forest with lots of low ferns for ground cover.

    Sam Meddaugh Memorial Members Event - July 26, 2025


    Sam Meddaugh Memorial Members Event
    All members of MNOC and other orienteering clubs and their families and guests are welcome to come.


    2025 NAV-X #4 GPS Map Trek- Annadel SP - 2 or 4 hour
    The 4th Map Trek event of the 2025 Nav-X season will take place at Annadel SP in Santa Rosa, CA. 2 & 4 hr courses will be offered. This event will feature an orienteering map updated with Lidar data. The map scale will be 1:10,000 with 5-meter contours. The new start location will be at the Warren Richardson Trail Parking Area at the end of Channel Drive. This event will use the app "MapRun" for timing on your own schedule. The competitive window for this event is May 1 - June 30. Results during this time period will be included in the official results and accrue Nav-X series points but the course will still be available on MapRun until Jan 1, 2026, after which it will move to the archived courses. Upon registration, you will receive (1) registration confirmation, (2) within 24 hours, a separate email with links to map documents. We also have some new options for getting a pre-printed map.

    MNOC Adventure-O - July 12, 2025


    MNOC Adventure-O
    This event is a paddle, trek, and bike adventure for teams of 2, 3, or 4, or solo racers. Solo racers must be 18 years old with demonstrated experience. Under 18 must be with an adult. This race is part of the Wisconsin Adventure Racing Series.


    Rim Country Navigation Games 2025
    Run/Bike/Paddle in the Rim Country area in Arizona. (See ArizonaNavigationCompetition.com for details.)

    General Location: Within 3 hours northeast of downtown Phoenix. Within 1.5 hours of Payson.
    Start/Finish announced ~1 month before the event.

    6/12-Hour Adventure Race (run/bike/paddle)
    3/6/12-Hour Rogaine (foot only)
    Teams of 1-4. (Solos allowed in all events.)

    Note: You are not required to become a member of Orienteering USA to participate in this event.

    MNOC Interstate State Park - Sunday, September 28, 2025


    MNOC Interstate State Park
    Regular orienteering meet with White through Red courses. For more information about the course colors, see our Event Types page.

    Severs Corn Maze-O - October 4, 2025


    Severs Corn Maze-O
    Come orienteer in the midwest's largest corn maze! Your registration includes admission to Sever's Fall Festival for the day, so stick around and enjoy all of the attractions they have to offer.

    Petrified Forest Rogaines 2025 - October 11-12, 2025


    Petrified Forest Rogaines 2025
    Two separate 4-hour rogaines, one on Saturday, October 11 and one on Sunday, October 12, 2025 at the Petrified Forest National Park near Holbrook, Arizona.

    Note: Please note, this event uses the OrienteeringUSA system for registration. You do NOT need to to become a member of OrienteeringUSA to participate in this GPHXO event.

    MNOC Mille Lacs Kathio State Park - Sunday, October 26, 2025


    MNOC Mille Lacs Kathio State Park
    Regular orienteering meet with White through Red courses. For more information about the course colors, see our Event Types page.

    MNOC Wirth Park Vampire-O - Thursday, October 30, 2025


    MNOC Wirth Park Vampire-O
    Vampire-O is a fun twist on a score-O event! Find as many controls as you can, while avoiding the "vampires" who try to catch you and steal your control card.

    MNOC Cleary Lake - Sunday, November 2, 2025


    MNOC Cleary Lake
    Regular orienteering meet with White through Red courses. For more information about the course colors, see our Event Types page.

    MNOC Veteran's Day Night-O - Tuesday, November 11, 2025


    MNOC Veteran's Day Night-O
    Test your navigation skills after dark with a headlamp! In honor of Veteran's Day, all veterans participate for free.


    Phoenix Metro Navigation Games 2025
    Run/Bike/Paddle in the Phoenix Metro area in Arizona. (See ArizonaNavigationCompetition.com for details.)

    General Location: Within 1.5 hours of downtown Phoenix.
    Start/Finish announced ~1 month before the event.

    6/12-Hour Adventure Race (run/bike/paddle)
    3/6/12-Hour Rogaine (foot only)
    Teams of 1-4. (Solos allowed in all events.)

    Note: You are not required to become a member of Orienteering USA to participate in this event.


    2025 SMOC Membership
    Renew or start your SMOC Membership. Members get $5 off races and access to training forums.

    Indiana Crossroads Orienteering Club Annual Membership 2025 - 2025 Annual Membership


    Membership in ICO supports the club and provides member benefits including discounts at local and regional orienteering events and a vote in decisions that affect the future of the club.


    Nav-X 2025 Club Membership
    The 2025 Nav-X Club Membership gives you access to 24 archived Nav-X GPS courses: 2024 (6), 2023 (5), 2022 (5), & 2021 (8) + arm warmers + $2 discount to Nav-X GPS events and discounts to events put on by other OUSA clubs (e.g. BAOC and GCO). It's $35 for new members and $25 for renewing members, $10 off for juniors. We have also added an option to purchase preprinted maps for each GPS event this season (4 maps).


    Tucson Orienteering (TSN) Membership
    Tucson Orienteering Membership - One year of individual or family membership and discounts on event entry fees. Note: In the world of orienteering, each club is assigned a unique acronym. Our Tucson club is designated 'TSN'. Please do not unintentionally select 'TOC', which is Toronto.


    Orienteering Cincinnati (OCIN) Membership
    Orienteering Cincinnati Membership - One year of individual or family membership and discounts on event entry fees.

    Event Register - brought to you by Orienteering USA